Well, hello again!
I can't believe I have been here for a week and a half already! Odd.
Today was sort of a typical day during the week here. Grabbed a blueberry muffin on the go for breakfast, had my Jane Austen lecture, hung out and ate lunch on my break, went to my Sherlock Holmes class where it was NOT typical...
My professor has her friend here who happens to have been a past professor of theater at Denison. So today we were discussing the difference between Doyle's book The Speckled Band with his screen adaptation of it and the importance of these differences. So, we did a little talking and then she made us act out the scenes and get into the characters to understand what was being done and the potential implications of it. It was a really nice change up to be a little creative to analyze a work instead of just sitting there talking, reading, and listening. I liked it a lot, though I'm not so sure I should quit school, move to California and try to act...
Then went to the grocery store, phone store, and did a little exploring with my roommate. We went to this cookie shop, Ben's Cookies, that everybody raves about here. I got a lemon cookie and it was fantastic. Not like a traditional one my mom makes, but it was nommy. Also did some scoping out of some of the little boutiques here. VERY adorable stuff. They have some things here that you can get at home: Gap, H&M, something that looks exactly like Abercrombie, etc. So if I am buying something, it better be an England-only brand. Makes it more unique.
For dinner tonight, the guys in the house grilled up some burgers and hotdogs, we had a ceasar salad, and some grapies. It was a super good dinner! But after that I've just been doing some work and caught a little of the Italy game. Lots to do this week that is school-related. Hoping to get to London this weekend if my affairs ever straighten themselves out. I really dislike having to plan things with lots of people, but it has to be done at some point or another.
OH, I do have news: I made it all the way home today by myself after class on my break. Nobody had to give me directions or help me and it is a far walk to get home. I weedled about without any issues. So, Dad...I don't want to hear anymore about me getting lost in a phone booth, mister.
The BEST and ONLY WORTHY Lemon Cookies are those that your Mother makes!!! Lol! No, really though! Nothing beats an Italian family recipe, NOTHING! :) Mom