Yep, we are goofballs. We were a little bored at Knightshayes waiting to leave so we decided to do some "yoga"...our rendition at least. We call it the disabled crane. One of the girls here can french braid really cutely though and so I was sporting my braid here. I like it!
Back on topic! Today I gave my presentation in my Jane Austen class. It went well for the most part. It was a little frustrating that we had to be one of the last groups to go so other groups before us started to cover our information and the professor was as well. By the time we got up there, we basically just were summarizing and offering as much new insight as we could that wasn't already mentioned. But, that wasn't our fault so we won't be penalized for it.
Tried a new place for lunch today. Every day after class I have to walk past the Bath Abbey and past these two very french, cute little lunch bistros that I always want to try. Well today Emily, Amanda and I tried the one. I got this one baguette and it was nommy! I will definitely go back there! Plus, it's conveniently on my way back home. After the break I headed down to my Sherlock Holmes class where we did some intense discussion. Sometimes I wonder if the professor is making things up because no way does an author sit there and think THAT much about symbolism or think that deeply about his work. And it always has to have some sexual or gender undertone to it. Whateverrr. Got my grade for my paper proposal in there: A-/B+ which I'm okay with. It's just the proposal and I knew it wasn't as organized as I wanted it to be so it's okay. Finished the draft of the paper for peer revision tomorrow and then I can do the final version.
THANKFULLY, tomorrow I get to sleep in! HALLELUJAH! Seems like that never happens. We will be going to the Fashion Musuem right near our house so since it's such a quick walk and we don't have to be there until 10:30...I'm taking full advantage of my Z's.
We had tacos and spanish rice tonight for dinner. It was tastey and actually pretty spicy! We also picked up some things for pasta and shrimp, etc. so we don't have to live off of frozen food- bluck!
Made my reservations for London today as well--it was a bit hectic trying to coordinate everything with three other people because money is always a factor, but we got it all handled (thanks to my Dad) and we will be staying close to Buckingham Palace, St. James Park, and the London Eye. We definitely want to see the changing of the guards, get on the Eye for awesome pictures, see the Bridge, the Tower, and Big Ben, maybe get to the Globe, Harrods, and Abbey Road. We will see how much time affords us since we will be arriving friday night and leaving mid-sunday. We will make the most of our quick trip! Already got a head start looking at places to stay for Paris which we will be booking this week. It will only be my roomie and I going so less of an issue to deal with. That will be the weekend of the 4th. Next weekend we go to Dartmoor for my Sherlock Holmes class. CREEEEPY!
Well, that's all for now folks. I sure am tired from all this work and finishing my draft so I am off to shower and go sleepies. Sorry to those in Illinois with all the rain, but England doesn't want it back :P
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