This is England's (specifically, Bristol's) sad attempt at Chicago's Bean. I still like ours better, humph.
Today was pretty relaxing. Was able to sleep in until 9 something, but it was not a great night's sleep to my dismay. It's been extremely hot and humid here lately and without A/C in the's brutal. So sleeping while you are miserably hot is not really in the cards. Hopefully it's a bit better tonight.
Took advantage of the one and only free day I will have in these five weeks. Did some errands (goody shopping), caught the England game (that was messy- you could hear the shouts from all over the place), worked on homework and hungout with my housemates. I think everyone is getting a little burned out with work now, but we are only here for thirteen more days as of tomorrow. I basically only have one presentation (which I am giving tuesday) and my final papers for each class left. I'm not looking forward to the jetlag though! It will be hard to not sleep on the plane.
Wrote my missing chapter today to The Hounf of the Baskervilles and I am pretty pleased with it. Hey, I'm no Arthur Conan Doyle, but I did the best I could! I just don't see how my professor could actually give us a letter grade for CREATIVE writing...interesting, right?
So glad I didn't watch the game at the pub today- it would have not been a fun experience. They definitely get super angry.
As you can see nothing much happened today because it was a free day and I needed a break. Aside from the few hours I was out and about getting things I mostly just hung in the house and got things done in preparation for another start to a new school week. Tomorrow we will be going to Prior Park for my Jane Austen class which I have heard is quite beautiful. Yes, I will be bringing my camera along so you should see some pictures of that really soon.
Oh, and I can report happily that there were NO injuries incurred today! :)
it's nice to see your body went unhurt for a day. feet, rashes, what fun! thanks for the blog honey as it allows us some peace of mind. great writing by the way. loves it big time. dad