Sunday, 4 July 2010

Bath: 27

SO, today (Thursday) I ran around like a chicken without a head. I needed to make sure that everything was in order for my flight to Paris. Last night I packed up and this morning I put my last-minutes in my bag, used my break to exchange pounds for euros, got my boarding pass printed out, turned in my proposal for my final paper, and checked a bazillion times that I had necessary documentation and my passport.

Because the train we needed was at 4:13 (during class time), Amanda and I had to request that we be able to leave 40 minutes early. It really was no biggie because we would be there for all the important stuff (a student presentation that lasts 2:30-3:30). Our professor readily agreed to let us out at 3:50 and even went so far as to let the whole class out earlier since we covered everything we needed to. So Amanda and I booked it to our train and got to the airport with time to spare. It took forever to get there though: 3 trains and a shuttle to our terminal. BUT WE DID IT!

Got to the hotel late: around 11 something because France is an hour later. At first we were freaking out because no one was at the reception desk and the door was locked so just as I got my phone out to call the hotel, the concierge walked back to the desk and buzzed us in. PHEW!
We then took the teensiest elevator I have ever seen in my life (it was cute) to our floor and were welcomed by wonderous air conditioning. I immediately felt better when I walked into the cold room. We were so tired by this time that Amanda and I just checked out the room, checked out our view from the room, washed up and went straight to sleep.

Not too eventful, but hey...we made it to France :)

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