Friday, 9 July 2010

Bath: Day 34

So today was the last day of classes, which was odd. In Jane Austen we just talked about the kinds of games people in Austen's time played. It was just for fun. They played some weird stuff though. One game you have a bowl of brandy and you drop raisins in it and light it on fire and you're supposed to grab raisins out (yes, through the blue flames) and eat them while they are still on fire. That DOES NOT sound like fun to me. 2nd degree burns? No thanks. Another one is where they make a "cake" out of flour and put a bullet on the top. Each person spoons out a little bit of flour and whomever collapses it, making the bullet fall, must then only use their mouth to retrieve it. These people must have been very bored back then. We did do a fun game where you get like 4 words and you have to make a little short poem with them. SO funny.

Sherlock Holmes we just finished watching the new movie, which I like, and chatted and she let us go. Final verdict on my final papers: an A-- on Sherlock Holmes and a B+ on my Jane Austen which is perfectly fine by me. I'm not sure about the overall grades for the classes yet. I can e-mail the academic director of ASE and get that info when I get back. Otherwise I would have to wait until Denison got that information and send me it--which takes them forever and a day.

Oh, on the break in between classes my friends and I went to lunch at the Pump Room. It's gorgeous in there! The food was great and the atmosphere is very authentic. It's furnished like in Jane Austen's time and they had an orchestra playing. Loved it.

We also had "Write Night" where anyone can perform a talent. It was held at the Huntsman, a local pub, and we got free food and such. It was fun, but there was no air and we were in there for like 2.5 hours so I was ready to be done at the end. After, all the kids in the program went out to one of our favorite clubs and we danced and had some fun. I'm pretty pooped out so it's a good thing that I packed my bags today (mostly).

Can't believe tomorrow is my last day in Bath!

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