So today has not been very eventful. We checked out super early and got a cab to the airport. We were there at like 7:45 a.m. and we weren't set to board until 9:20. Nobody even started showing up to the gate until like an hour after us. But, man...boarding took FOREVER. It turns out we were on the biggest plane I've ever been on. It was huge plus had a double deck. Our seats were really nice, but it was only a 40 minute flight. However, our set take off time got pushed back 40 minutes to 10:45 just because they waited for 2 passengers! That would never happen on a domestic flight in the U.S.! We got into Heathrow much later than expected, but Amanda and I didn't buy any tickets ahead of time which was good. So we hopped a shuttle to Terminal 5, picked up the bus to the Reading train station and took a train back to Bath. We were starving by the time we got back so we picked up food and began the long trek up lots of fun hills with a heavy bag. That was not so much fun.
Spent the rest of the day uploading pictures on my computer, putting them on facebook, doing my blog and a majority really went to writing my outline for my final paper in Sherlock Holmes and then writing the draft of it. I got to page 5 and I still have plenty more to say- it only needs to be 6-8 pages so I will be fine. But I really don't think Dr. Brown was paying attention to our proposals this weekend. All the girls in my house, including me, said she didn't understand what we wanted to do with our papers and she twisted it into something that none of us had in mind for our papers. It was so off base for all four of us. But I wound up getting a B+ on it. Hopefully the final paper will be a little better.
Oh, I forgot to mention in my other post the battle I had with the shower in the hotel. The water pressure was much higher there and somehow the shower head came loose from its holder (its a handheld one) and fell to the floor and it was jetting water out everywhere! Plus they only had half of the shower covered with glass-it was odd- which further added to the water issue. So it was like a waterpark in there. I spend forever mopping it all up. Such a mess, but I fixed it!
Tomorrow is the start of the last week I have in Bath. I will finish my draft of my final paper for Holmes tomorrow and I get to turn in my final paper for Jane Austen tomorrow morning so basically, once tomorrow night rolls around...I'm done with work and can enjoy Bath without any focus on school! Yay!
Happy 4th of July- I hope it was a wonderful celebration for you all. It was a little ironic for me to spend it in England, I must say.
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